Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Apocalypse

Happy 2019! What better way to start off the New Year than with The Apocalypse!

I really like how this video shows that the "the world is going to end so let's give up and enjoy ourselves while we can" mindset is just another form of climate denialism. Good stuff.

One critique I have for ContraPoints ("the Oscar Wilde of YouTube") is that (at the risk of catastrophizing) an environmental refugee crisis may eventually lead to Total War.

The last time that happened, someone dropped 2 nuclear bombs somewhere.

SIPRI (The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute), a think-tank that does research on security, conflict and peace, has a research programme dedicated to Climate Change and Risk. Together with SEI, SIWI and SRC (the Planetary Boundaries folks), they try to encourage institutional reforms in the UN Security Council to better manage security risks of climate change.

Linking climate change to security is a "survivalist" approach in environmental discourse. It may be more effective - more Realistic - than the other approaches identified in Dryzek's book, The politics of the earth: environmental discourses. (The other approaches are environmental governance, sustainability, and activism.)

Environmental discourses defined by Dryzek's taxonomy

A few reasons why I'm restarting this blog:
  1. New Year New Me 
  2. Academia can feel alienating from broader concerns 
  3. To explore a wider range of environmental discourses than my thesis. "Alternative theses", if you will. (A. Hansen, 2018)
  4. Engage in discussion and debate with readers 
A few principles I'll blog by:
  1. Short and sweet
  2. Keep things light
  3. Link to other content creators - there's so much information out there already
  4. Catalogue resources - tags 
  5. Document personal communication - I've spoken with so many people about environmental issues, it's a shame our conversations don't have a wider reach 

Uh... I'll try, ok Regina George? 

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